Yes, we all know that it is holiday time by the looks of snow on the ground, glowing bulbs adorning houses, and the ever so persistent green / white / red color scheme oozing out of every corner this time of year.
Some might say it’s difficult to get away from clichés this time of year, and as a designer I was always chastised for using any color scheme even resembling “Christmas.” Is it really fair that a season has such a stranglehold on the red/green complimentary color scheme market? Let go a little, please!
I noticed a nice change of pace today after received a warm-hearted holiday greeting from a previous RIPT artist, Greg Abbott. The image is below. Greg took the time to create this unique piece and send it out as a thank you to select contacts that he felt were deserving of the appreciation. RIPT Apparel is definitely happy to be part of that group, thanks Greg!
Greg is known for his cute, whimsical cartoonish style of drawing creatures and shapes of all types. One might consider the expressions he can portray on the face of his creations as his greatest gift. Who could argue that this moose and those birds are nothing but grateful and comforting during this holiday-time thank you?
Anyway, here at RIPT Apparel, we wanted to take a cue from Greg and thank everyone for their support and purchases for the last six months. We hope to take this to the finish line and the race is definitely a marathon, not a sprint.
Check out more of Greg Abbott’s work at his site.